Untitled Header Image Chesterfield Presbyterian Church Homeschool Network Chesterfield Presbyterian Church Homeschool Network

About Us

CPC Homeschool Network is a Christian learning center where homeschooled students in grades K-8 experience a day of classes.  We meet on Thursdays from 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. for two 12 week semesters, fall and winter.  Our format helps students grow in skills necessary for working with others, adapting to different teaching styles, and meeting the expectations of teachers other than their parent.  These classes serve as supplements and enrichment to what the student is already doing at home and encourages the student to grow academically and socially as they work with partners or in small groups to solve problems, work on projects, participate in discussions, and other class activities.  Together the students develop empathy for each other and make new friendships as they journey through these subjects during the school year.

We also offer high school classes through our 9-UP Program.  The class offerings change each year and are offered individually, not as a full or half day option.